The Senate Electoral Tribunal was awarded by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) with Level II PRIME-HRM Agency Status, in recognition of its “innovations, enhancements or remarkable development in HR (Human Resource) management program and system” (CSC MC#3, s. 2012). The Secretary of the Tribunal, Atty. Irene R. Guevarra, received the award in behalf of SET Chairperson, Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonio T. Carpio, from CSC Chair Francisco T. Duque III, M.D., MSc, during the CSC Awarding Ceremony, “Let’s Talk 3: Celebrating Milestones,” held on March 27, 2014 at the Luxent Hotel in Quezon City.
PRIME-HRM, an acronym for “Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management,” is a “program to inculcate meritocracy and excellence in the public service human resource management through a program of reward, recognition, empowerment and continuous development.” It is also used as a tool to recognize agencies with best practices in human resource management (CSC Memorandum Circular No. 3, Series of 2012 and CSC Resolution No. 1200241 dated February 01, 2012).
Under the program, agencies meeting the standards set by CSC may be conferred recognition or status, as follows:
- Level 1 (Regulated) – This includes agencies that have not fully complied with the requirements for Level II-Accredited status. These agencies are subjected to regular monitoring/assistance by the CSC.
- Level II (Accredited) – This includes agencies satisfactorily implementing CSC human resource management systems/programs. They are granted authority to take final action on appointments.In SET, the main responsibility of developing, implementing and monitoring human resource management systems and programs is discharged by the Human Resources Management Service (HRMS) headed by Director Flerida A. Marco.
- Level III (Deregulated) – This includes agencies which consistently comply with the Terms and Conditions for Level II Accredited status and/or have initiated innovations/enhancements or remarkable development in HR management programs and systems. They are given authority to take final action on appointments and to implement HR programs and systems without the need for prior approval by the CSC.
- Center for Excellence in HRM – This is a recognition conferred by CSC to agencies with best practices in some or all human resource management areas, subject to the recommendation of a Certifying Board composed of HR practitioners/experts representing various sectors.
- Seal of Excellence in HRM – This is the highest recognition conferred on institutions or individuals who have been conferred Center for Excellence in and/or played pivotal role in the development/innovation of three or more HR areas, subject to the recommendation of a Certifying Board composed of HR practitioners/experts representing various sectors.