The Senate Electoral Tribunal awarded the Administrative Commendation for Attendance for CY 2013 to POMPEYO S. LUAGUE, Legislative Staff Assistant III. Mr. Luague received a Plaque of Commendation and Cash Gift from the Honorable Chairperson of the Tribunal, Senior Associate Justice Antonio T. Carpio, in a simple awarding ceremony held at the Supreme Court on September 18, 2014.
The SET Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) Committee selected Mr. Luague as the recipient of the admnistrative commendation for attendance for CY 2013 after reviewing the 2013 attendance records of all Secretariat personnel and finding Mr. Luague to have clocked in a perfect attendance for CY 2013. Such adherence to Tribunal office rules was considered worth emulating and was accordingly cited as a meritorious contribution to the strengthening of discipline in the organization.