The second installment in the “Usapang Babae at Usapang Lalaki” series was held on November 10, 2022 at the SET Conference Room. During this forum, the speaker, Ms. Marilyn Torres De Jesus, discussed the various government benefits extended to senior citizens. Aside from discounts on medicines, groceries, and restaurant bills, senior citizens also enjoy free entrance in cinemas (in some local government units), discounts on use of function halls and hotel rooms, as well as on transportation fares, among others. Senior citizens can also take advantage of various government programs specifically designed for them such as training programs that will provide skills and welfare or livelihood support, a national health program, social services, and housing program, among others.
The forum likewise tackled the different ways by which we can show our love to our elderly family members. A letter-writing session was conducted, where the participants composed messages for their elderly loved ones. Some of the participants lovingly shared their heartwarming expressions of appreciation and concern for their elderly, which deeply touched the rest of the attendees.